Beauty Brands Founded by Fearless Females

Beauty Brands Founded by Fearless Females

International Women’s Day is almost upon us. A day created to celebrate the achievements, power, wit, beauty and resilience of incredible women, March 8th is an empowering day for females across the globe.

lookfantastic houses some incredible female-founded brands and what better way to celebrate International Women's Day than to chat to these fearless females about their biggest influences as well as some of the issues that are faced by women today.

Fearless females that founded some of our favourite brands

Nadine Monley, Founder and Managing Director- Beauty Dept

Who is your biggest female influence?

Without a doubt, my mentor and business coach Vashti Whitfield has been my biggest influence to date - male or female! She has opened my eyes, and helped me to acknowledge myself as a powerful woman. It’s amazing how the support, guidance and belief of one woman has given me the confidence and direction to go after what I want from life. She’s also made me realise that reaching out to people you are inspired by, and recognise your own value, can create life opportunities that you never thought possible. She is an amazing and inspiring woman who has changed the way I view the world.

What do you think is the biggest issue facing women today?

The pressure of having to wear so many hats is a huge pressure for lots of women. Juggling the enormous tasks of being a provider, supportive partner as well as upholding a happy, nourished family life is a perfect example. The expectations are enormous. We are strong and capable of achieving so much though, and I truly feel it’s an exciting time to be a woman in this world. We’re moving forward in so many ways, and making a difference with everything we achieve.

Read more about Nadine and her brand, Beauty Dept here.

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Iris Smit, Founder and CEO- The Quick Flick

Who is your biggest female influence?

Other women in business that are standing strong and reaching their goals.

What do you think is the biggest issue facing women today?

I believe the biggest issue facing women today is workplace equality. Although women work just as hard, and in some cases harder than males, we are not always given equal opportunities. This is an issue that needs to change, everyone should earn their positions based upon their qualifications and knowledge- not their gender. I am proud to say that at The Quick Flick we are gender equal and celebrate women in business.

(The Quick Flick launching soon)

Carlia Ashton, Founder and Managing Director - ONNE Beauty

Who is your biggest female influence?

This is a hard question and it's a big ask to choose just one! I have met so many wonderful women both personally and professionally, each of whom has played a significant role in teaching, guiding, and influencing me in one way or another. I look up to all of these women, and they are all exceptional in their own way. That said, if I absolutely have to choose only one, I'd have to say my mum. She has always been a significant influence, and when I was growing up she always encouraged me to be true to myself and taught me to surround myself with positive people. These are lessons that I carry with me today.

What do you think is the biggest issue facing women today?

Unfortunately I think there are an abundance of issues facing woman today, many of which are incredibly big! Living abroad for many years, I also have seen that with different cultures comes an array of different issues facing women - but as the world gets smaller, it does seem that some are universal. I believe a big issue that is common amongst young women across much of the world currently, is the self scrutiny and comparison to others that has come with the rise of social media. Social media is a wonderful way to connect with others, share experiences and opinions, and to express ideas, but what young women need to remember is that people only share the best bits of their lives on these platforms - what they're seeing often isn't real life. As someone who has strived to create a brand that encourages people to love the skin that they're in, it's heartbreaking to see young women in particular struggle with feelings of inadequacy because they're comparing themselves to images that largely aren't even authentic.

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