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LELO HEX Condoms Respect XL (12 Pack)

LELO HEX Condoms Respect XL (12 Pack)

Regular price $21.75
Regular price $29.00 Sale price $21.75
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HEXTM RespectXLcondomsare one of the biggest condoms on the market. Featuring the same blend of science and safety that makes HEXTM Original one of the best-selling condoms, HEXTM Respect XL large size condoms take that technology and upsizes it.

Hexagons arestrong, symmetrical, and even- they're nature's go-toshape for strength and lightness. With its structure of 350 interconnected hexagons, HEXTM flexes and stretches for asupremely secure fit.


  • 10% larger condom in every dimension than HEXTM Original for a more comfortable fit.
  • Latex structure combining thinness and strength.
  • Textured on the inside to reduce slippage and improve grip.
  • Lightly lubricated with a neutralized latex scent.
  • Natural latex condom
  • 0.045mm thin
  • 58mm diameter (4mm wider than original)
  • 195mm long (15mm longer than original)
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